Recruitment / Vacancy

ICAR - RCER Recruitment / Vacancy

TitlePublish DateLast Date
Walk In Interview03.02.202514.02.2025
Filling up vacant administrative post through deputation at ICAR-RCER Patna 24.01.202530 days from publication
Walk In Interview 20.12.202430.12.2024
Walk In Interview 19.12.202407.01.2025
Walk In Interview11.11.202420.11.2024
Walk In Interview5.11.202429.11.2024
Walk In Interview for Young Professional-I (YP-I)22.10.202412.11.2024
Notice for Interview (Advertisement No. E-3/2024-25) 26.09.202425.10.2024
Filling up of various vacant Administrative Posts by transfer / permanent absorption basis at ICAR- RCER, Patna and its RS-Ranchi24.09.202423.10.2024
Walk In Interview for SRF20.09.202404.10.2024
Advertisement for Young Professional YP I in the project Setting up of a Referral Lab for honey testing in Jharkhand at ICAR-RCER, FSRCHPR, Ranchi (Advertisement no.- E-2/2024-25) 20.08.202419.09.2024
NOTICE FOR INTERVIEW ( Advertisement No. E-1 /2024-25 )25.07.202413.08.2024
Walk In Interview for Project Associate-I and Project Associate-II13.05.202427.05.2024
Walk In Interview For Young Professional-I03.05.202417.05.2024
Walk- in for Enrollment for Apprenticeship Training12.02.202429.02.2024
Walk In Interview for SRF in the project "National Inovation on Climate Resilient ---------"26.12.202310.01.2024
Walk In Interview for SRF30.11.202315.12.2023
Walk In Interview for YP I18.10.202301.11.2023
Walk In Interview for YP II20.10.202306.11.2023
Walk In Interview05.09.202326.09.2023
Notice Regarding extension of last date for " Filing up various vacant Administrative Posts through Deputation/Transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-RCER, Patna and its RS & KVKs23.08.202304.09.2023
Filling up various vacant Administrative Posts through Deputation/transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-RCER, Patna and its RS & KVKs25.07.202324.08.2023
Advertisement for Interview to the post of Senior Research Fellow at FSRCHPR Under NAIF Project06.07.202327.07.2023
Advt for Walk In Interview on 28.6.2023 at 10.00 am for the post of Young Professional I under Agri Business Incubation Project under the Scheme National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) of ICAR09.06.202328.06.2023
Walk In Interview08.06.202322.06.2023
Walk In Interview 06.03.202322.03.2023
Advertisement Notice E-3/22-23 (for the posts of SRF in ABI & CRP on CA projects)02.12.202215.12.2022
Walk In Interview18.11.202223.11.2022
Walk In Interview15.11.202201.12.2022
Notice for postponement of Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow under the project “Optimizing soil organic carbon stock in rice based cropping system under irrigated ecosystem” due to some unforeseen administrative exigency01.11.2022
Walk In Interview17.10.202202.11.2022
Two months Internship Programme under SSR-SERB at ICAR-RCER, Patna17.10.202225.10.2022
Revised Circular for Filling up of Technical Posts on Permanent Inter-Institutional transfer basis at ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna (including its Research Centres & Krishi Vigyan Kendras)15.09.202231 day from date of publication
Advertisement No. E-2/2022-23 for Walk in Interview for the post of YP-I 22.08.202213.09.2022
Walk In Interview for the position of Young Professional-I04.08.202219.08.2022
Walk In Interview For RA17.05.202207.06.2022
WALK - IN - INTERVIEW for Advertisement No.E-1/22 -2312.04.202228.04.2022
Walk In Interview for SRF11.03.202204.04.2022
Result of JRF28.02.2022
Notice for cancelling the Advertisement published no. E-4/2020-21 regarding recruitment of YP I under RFS (T) & RFS(N) prog
Interview Notice for the post of JRF25.01.202206.02.2022
Walk in Interview on 06.12.2021 for two posts of YP-I20.11.202106.12.2021
Walk In Interview for Young Professional I (YP-I) 12.10.202126.10.2021
WALK IN INTERVIEW on 21.10.2021 at ICAR-RCER FSRCHP, Plandu, Ranchi 05.10.202121.10.2021
Walk-in-interview for Young Professional II (YP-II) 28.09.202108.10.2021
Notice for the Cancellation of the Advt. No. E-7/2020-2121.09.2021
Walk In Interview for SRF position at ICAR-RCER KVK, Buxar14.09.202105.10.2021
Result of Walk-in-Interview to the position of Field Assistant in the Project Entitled "Evaluation of Nano DAP ---------"30.08.2021
Walk In Interview "Young Professional"07.08.202124.08.2021
Walk In Interview28.07.202117.08.2021
Walk In Interview14.07.202129.07.2021
Walk in Interview29.06.202114.07.2021
Corrigendum Order for postponement of online/Walk-in-Interview for the post of JRF05.06.202116.06.2021
Corrigendum Order for postponement of online/Walk-in-Interview for the post of JRF21.05.202108.06.2021

Corrigendum regarding postponement of Walk-in-Interview/On-line-Interview for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) dated 11.05.2021
Walk in Interview/On-line interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)26.04.202111.05.2021
Notice Regarding Postponement of Interview05.04.2021
Result for SRF Under the Project "Long-term conservation agriculture impact ----------------"11.03.2021
Filling up of Technical Post On Permanent Inter-Institutional transfer basis at ICAR-RCER (including its RCs & KVKs)
Application Format in Ms Word
Advertisement notice for Interview of Young Professional II in DBT Biotech Kisan Hub project seven Aspirational Districts of Jharkhand and Bihar17.02.202104.03.2021
Corrigendum of Walk In Interview Dated 16.02.202112.02.202117.02.2021
Walk In Interview30.01.202116.02.2021
Notice for Interview of S.R.F. (Advt no- E-6/2020-21) under CA project at ICAR-RCER, FSRCHPR, Ranchi31.12.202015.01.2021
Notice for Interview of Young Professional I (Advt no- E-4/2020-21) at ICAR-RCER, FSRCHPR, Ranchi31.12.202015.01.2021
Notice for Interview of Young Professional II (Advt no- E-3/2020-21) under IWMI-ICAR Project at ICAR-RCER, FSRCHPR, Ranchi 04.01.2021
Walk In Interview for one post of Young Professional-II (YP-II) and Two Post of Field Assistant at ICAR-MGIFRI, Motihari. 05.12.202021.12.2020
Walk In Interview28.11.202014/15.12.2020
Advertisement for one post of Young Professional II at ICAR-RCER, FSRCHPR, Plandu, Ranchi under DBT Biotech Kisan Hub Project for seven Aspirational Districts10.11.202027.11.2020
Result for the post of SRF05.11.2020
Walk In Interview03.10.2020
Walk In Interview27.09.2020
Notice for Interview 08.09.202020.09.2020
Notice For Interview03.09.202013.09.2020
Notice for postponement of Walk In Interview 09.07.2020
Walk in Interview 23.06.202010.07.2020
Advertisement of "Corrigendum of Advertisement No E-4/2019-20" of ICAR RCER ,FSRCHPR,Plandu, Ranchi for Trainees in Agriculture,Horticulture and Animal Husbandry of DBT Biotech Kisan Project"03.03.202015.03.2020
"Advertisement no. E-3/19-20 for Expansion of Activities of Biotech KISAN Hub in seven aspiration districts of Jharkhand and Bihar under Biotech-KISAN Hub at ICAR RCER,FSRCHPR, Ranchi"27.02.202019.03.2020
Advertisement no. E-5/19-20 for Senior Research Fellow and Technical Assistant for National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) of ICAR- RCER,FSRCHPR, Ranchi"27.02.202018.03.2020
Walk In Interview (Advertisement No. E-2 /19-20)10.02.2020
Walk In Interview01.02.2020
Walk in Interview 10.01.2020
Result for Senior Research Fellow in the Project entitled "Climate Resilient Agriculture Programme"23.12.2019
Result for Field Technical (02 Nos.) in the Project entitled "Development of Fish Based Integrated Farming System Model For Water Congested Ecologies of Eastern India"16.12.2019
Walk in Interview 19.11.201905.12.2019
"Walk-in-Interview on 02.12.2019 for Young Professional -I under DBT BioTech- KISAN Project at ICAR RCER, Farming System Research Centre for Hill and Plateau Region, Plandu, Ranchi"17.11.201902.12.2019
Walk In Interview13.11.201903.12.2019
Cancellation Notice for Walk-in-Interview of Young professional I under DBT Biotech KISAN Proj on 14.11.201908.11.2019
"Walk-in-Interview on 14.11.2019 for Young Professional -I under DBT BioTech- KISAN Project at ICAR RCER, Farming System Research Centre for Hill and Plateau Region, Plandu, Ranchi"09.10.201914.11.2019
Result For SRF in the Project "Development of Climate Resilient -----------------"15.07.2019
Result For Young Professional-I in the Project NICRA10.07.2019
Walk In Interview 27.06.2019
Walk In Interview15.06.2016
Result for Contractural Staff in the project "All India Co-orinated Project ........................"01.06.2019
Walk In Interview04.05.2019
Result for Technical Assistant at MGIFRI, Motihari16.03.2019
Corrigendum for Walk in Interview for the engagement of Technical Assistant01.02.2019
Result for SRF in the project "Long-term conservation agriculture impact --------------"28.01.2019
Walk In Interview16.01.2019
Walk In Interview (Advertiesment No. E-3/18-19)11.01.2019
SRF Result for Network Project on "Conservation of Lac ---------"07.01.2019
Walk in Interview02.01.2019
walk In Interview29.12.2018
Walk In Interview28.12.2018
Declaration of Revised Provisional Result of Technical Assistant (T-3) examination conducted by the ASRB on 17.07.201617.12.2018
Walk In Interview17.12.2018
Walk In Interview (Advertisement No. E-2/18-19)09.11.2018
Walk In Interview (Advertisement No. E-1/18-19)1.11.2018
Declaration of Revised Provisional Result of Technician (T-1) examination conducted by the ASRB on 01.07.201831.10.2018
Declaration of Provisional Result of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) conducted by the ASRB on 24th February, 201810.10.2018
Result for SRF in the Project "CRP on Farm Mechanization -----"11.09.2018
Walk In Interview18.08.2018
Result for Field Assistant in the Project "All India Co-ordinated --------AICRP_IFS"01.08.2018