Research Center,Ranchi


Horticulture and Agro-forestry Research Programme (formerly, Central Horticultural Experiment Station) was set up on 8th May 1979 under the aegis of Indian Council Agricultural Research under the Tribal Sub-plan. This is a research station of ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna.
The Division started with following objectives

  • To conduct research, extension and project planning for development of horticulture and agro-forestry suitable for different agro-ecological region in eastern region.
  • To develop technology on rain water harvesting and multiple use of water for development of horticulture and agro-forestry.
  • To develop and transfer improved production technologies on horticulture and agro-forestry.
  • To produce and supply genuine planting material of different fruits and vegetables in large scale.
  • Function as information portal for horticulture and agro-forestry development in the region.

To undertake strategic & adaptive research for efficient integrated management of natural resources to enhance productivity of agricultural production system through agro forestry & horticultural crops.

Our Scientist

Sl. No.Name of ScientistDesignationProfile Details
1.Dr. Rabi Sankar Pan (Horticulture)I/c Head & Principal ScientistView Profile
2.Dr. Bal Krishna Jha (Horticulture-vegetable)Principal ScientistView Profile
3.Dr. Sushanta Kumar Naik (Soil Science)Principal ScientistView Profile
4.Dr. Virendra Kumar Yadav (Agril. Extn.)Principal Scientist
5.Dr. Santosh S. Mali (SWCE) Senior ScientistView Profile
6.Dr. Bhavana Patnaykuni (Plant Breeding)Senior ScientistView Profile
7.Dr. Ajit Kumar Jha (Plant Pathology)Senior Scientist
8.Dr. Jaipal Singh ChoudharySenior ScientistView Profile
9.Dr. Reena Kumari Kamal (Livestock Prod. Mang.)Senior ScientistView Profile
10.Dr. Reshma Shinde (Soil Science) ScientistView Profile
11.Dr. Mahesh Kumar Dhakar (Fruit Science)ScientistView Profile
12.Dr. Meenu Kumari (veg. Science)ScientistView Profile
13.Dr. Prerna Nath (Food Technology)Scientist (Sr. Scale)View Profile
14.Mr. Victor Thingujam (Agroforestry)Scientist